Home > Poetry > Talking about Windows Live Spaces PAINTING STUDIO Hangover Heaven A Poem And Play For Words

Talking about Windows Live Spaces PAINTING STUDIO Hangover Heaven A Poem And Play For Words



Windows Live Spaces PAINTING STUDIO Hangover Heaven A Poem And Play For Words

Walking on the clouds
Loving Sky
Poured and
Cried upon the land.
For Liberty and
There was a pause
In the dance.
A calling for Peace.
Liberty held high the
Torch and the light was not smitten
By the tears, but sparked bright as
Fire flys in the garden.
Bright as stars in Sky’s eyes.
Dragon drove a deep breath,
Coughing and woke
In a puff of smoke as Dragons do.
Then Dragon said to no one.
" Sky’s eyes and stars, fireflys in the garden"?
Daftly rolled off the couch.
Thinking.  While padding into
The kitchen, 
" Daftly, How can a Dragon be daftly when there is no such word……."
Liberty smiled,
Sky opened as She fell through the clouds
In a burst of laughter. 
For all of the Garden was a Light
Ever found and held in the Dream in the All.
That is as real as
Poetry spoken
in paint and words. 
As ever be well.  Stephen Craig Rowe
Categories: Poetry
  1. Carol L.
    August 6, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    That was enjoyable – as was all my meandering around your delightful space! 
    Thank you for the visit to my space so’z I’d know about yours!
    Blessings and love,
    Carol L. :)

  2. Barbara
    August 6, 2007 at 5:11 pm

    Your words keep me about.

  3. August 6, 2007 at 5:55 pm

    Thank You!  

  4. the1stephzen
    August 7, 2007 at 12:18 am

    Stephen…have you noticed the download button above each photo or image?  Click on one of the pictures and you will see it.  I tried a download and there’s absolutely no comment that the image is original or the property of the person who owns the space.  I took almost all of my graphics down.  To me, the download link is like a flashing sign saying ___ I’m FREE…TAKE ME!   

  5. Ariane
    August 7, 2007 at 10:17 am

    Un dragon s’est posé dans les jardins de mon âme.Un dragon noir aux yeux de
    braise, au souffle chaud.Sous l’épaisseur de sa peau,J’ai vu battre un
    cœur de rubis rouge, précieux, sauvage et impatient.Sa patte griffue a
    caressé ma joue.J’ai mis le feu aux jardins de mon âme,J’ai mis mes
    jambes à son cou.Il s’est envolé avec les aigles et les corbeaux,Des
    nuages et de l’eau.Je me suis lovée au creux de son dos.Un dragon m’a
    déposée dans les jardins de son âme.Anouk GronchiBeautiful day with you Stephen PS I left not in my gold book but in my
    blog a ticket see! FriendshipBelle journée à toi Stephen<°)))><

  6. Tamara
    August 7, 2007 at 6:15 pm

    Hey there!!
    Thanks for stopping by my space! Really nice paintings you have there!!
    Tamara :)

  7. Elle*Sheri
    August 7, 2007 at 11:26 pm

    Oh how i have missed your artistic intelligence dear stephen!! :)
    It’s been far too long! Hope you are doing well?
    Misses, Elle xxxx 

  8. Sassene
    August 8, 2007 at 3:25 am

    Kudos to ya painter… 

  9. marion
    August 9, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    Dearest Stephen…

  10. Marilia
    August 9, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    Obrigado pela visita carinhosa!!!
    Tu és especial para mim!!!!
    Também amo meus amigos  JouElam+SophiE !!!!
    E é claro te amo muito tambem !!!
    Mil beijos!!!!

  11. dawn
    August 10, 2007 at 9:21 am

    be an ordinary girl…listening         i smile                                                     

  12. fleurindigo
    August 10, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    love fleur 

    August 11, 2007 at 1:10 pm

     Beijos do Brasil…

  14. Heidi
    August 11, 2007 at 3:08 pm

    The Dragon made me smile in this one…..

  15. Marilia
    August 11, 2007 at 5:53 pm

    Bom final de semana !!!
    Beijos c amor!!!! 

  16. Hidra
    August 11, 2007 at 7:44 pm

    Dia dos Pais
    Todo dia devia de ser um dia especial de te agradecer, pai querido.Agradecer pelo conforto, pela alegria e pelo grande amorque em todos esses teus anos vividos tem me oferecido.Mas o tempo passou como o vento, e somente neste dia, quando se comemora oficialmente o Dia dos Paisque venho oferecer estas palavras a ti com alegria.Sabe pai querido, hoje sou uma pessoa crescida,e já devia saber o quanto és importante para mim.Por isso hoje quero te dedicar a minha gratidão por toda palavra de conforto e orientação que me deste, nos momentos que mais necessitei de alguém. Agradecer pelas lágrimas que derramaste junto comigo,quando eu me senti sufocado e recorri ao teu afetopara suportar a minha dor.Agradecer pelo abraço carinhoso e pelas palavras de incentivo que me deste quando me senti inseguro diante da vida.Pai querido, só hoje estou te oferecendo estas palavras, mas quero que saiba, que eu te amo muito,e que mesmo agradecendo todos os dias,não seria suficente para demonstrar o quanto estou feliz por ter nascido como teu filhoe por merecer-te como meu pai querido.Desejo que mesmo eu estando aqui já crescido,que continue-me a orientar com a tua sabedoria,e me critique duramente, de vez enquando,como quando fazias ao me ver errar o caminho.Ainda preciso de ti, do teu amor…Querido pai, aprendi muito contigo e quero agora repassar esse teu ensinamento para a nova geração, que sei, um dia, de ti meu pai querido, todos se orgulharão.
    Parabéns pelo teu dia, Pai querido!
    ♥¸.·*¨) (¸.·´♥♥.¤`¤*♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ . . ♥ .Com carinho da amiga Hidra 

  17. dawn
    August 11, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    Dear Stephen,  ‘doubt i’ll catch a falling star from where i am..:-) but i’ll be looking for that red dot in the eastern sky. Thank you for being;    words fail to convey,the All— you mean to me.Affectionatelydawn

  18. Michiko's
    August 19, 2007 at 1:12 am

    YES! I got you! " DRINKING and BLOGGING" NO, NO ,A bit too much Gin ha ha ha
     where you ‘ve left this words???
     That’s is small world, good be laugh away.. I hope you don’t take seriously…
     Are you would be in Dragon? Excuse me Dear Stephen,
     I hope your day has been GOOD one,

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