
Archive for April 10, 2010

PAINTING STUDIO Wildflowers On The Ridge And Blue Balloon By Stephen Craig Rowe

      Was away for three days this week walking the wards at the VA Med Centers in Danville, Il. and Indianapolis for an Oncology follow up that gave me a clean bill of health.  While there I also walked the lawns and marveled at the rush of spring lush green and blooms only a few hours south.   Good to see some old comrads and to meet some new, yet there is a profound sadness when one has a stay in a Veterans Hospital.  I can not describe the feeling that touches me.  Perhaps it is mine only as dealing with things in time are unique to the experience that transends words. 
      Home again I put on a pot of coffee and out the window saw some wildflowers on the ridge.  Put on my boots, camera in hand and had to capture some of the sweet of spring.
      The frail strong joy that is there causes more than pause, wonder and joy.  For the reality is life, on and on.  Eternal as the flower from the seed is rooted in the core of the Earth and in the Stars of the Universe.  Or so it seems.
        On the ridge I have seen many deer, some coyote, wild turkeys, rocky raccoon, birds of all kinds and of course nut crunching thugs.  But at the close of day I saw a blue balloon on the ridge and had to investigate as there seemed to be a note attached or something that drew me back into the woods.  
     I found a blue balloon with a note attached from a child in preschool at Head Start.  They were talking about things that go up in the air and let balloons go to see how far they make it. 
Then asked if one was found to write a letter back.  How sweet is that?  A bit of hope up in the sky.  A lone and far away calling like a letter in a bottle.  Well, I think we should write them back.  Though I have a had time reading the name, it may be Roioner, 233 Leadley Ave. East Peoria, Il 61611.  These small things are seeds and as great as the harvest. 
      As ever be well,
       Stephen Craig Rowe