
Archive for February 3, 2008


February 3, 2008 14 comments

There is a news of the MSN Space. My Friend Zeynep Ankara mentioned a young man named Sayed Pervez Kambaksh in Afghanistan. A tragic story… Please go to her space and join The Independent’s Petition:
I read the news and comments from some of my friends today.  God bless them.
So many thoughts and prayers.  So little time. 
That we make each moment matter for the betterment.
Soft steps in the new snow
Fallen fresh wet
foot prints.
Heel and toes
Touch Mother Earth.
Hands reach for
The stars…………
Clasp the clear Sky!
Or was
The Light a shimmering
Dancing on the window.
Not the frozen
Lick the Ice!
Taste the wind,
And fly.
Soar in the dreams
That you make come true……
As ever be well,  With love,
Stephen Craig Rowe

Categories: News and politics