
Archive for April 17, 2010

PAINTING STUDIO And The New Novel SECRET GRACES Written By My Dear Friend Kathryn Magendie

     Earlier this month the new novel Secret Graces book two of the Graces Saga written by my dear friend Kathryn Magendie was released and is published by Bell Bridge BooksKathryn Magendie has been a popular MSN Windows Live blogger for a number of years when " howling from the mountain ", a well known short story author and co-editor/publisher of The Rose & Thorn Literary Ezine
     In the mail box today I found my copy of SECRET GRACES signed by the author with a brief note and I damn near cried.  Ok, I did shed a few good tears as I read the
In pride:  To my son & his new family
In honor:  To Peggy DiBenedetto, Barry Fraser, Stephen Craig Rowe
(and there are more…)—for keeping the light of your smile even
when old bastard cancer tried to take it away."
      In the note Kathryn also wrote that I was a character in the novel.  Now, I mean to say…How cool is that?  What an honor and Kathryn, you sure do know how to make a grown man cry good tears.  Thank you, more than words can tell, thank you all and
as ever be well,
Stephen Craig Rowe